Are You Struggling To Come Up With Content For Your Blog? By wahmsonline
Most people are excited when they start a brand new blog on self hosted WordPress, at Blogger or any other blogging website. They usually have a general idea of what they want their blog to be about and they are just buzzing with ideas. They want to share a little of this and a little of that while making their opinion known about the main topic of the blog.
There are so many different things to blog about:
If your passion is mental health, you might choose to blog about Bipolar Disorder, depression and anxiety.
If parenting is your forte, you might blog about various aspects of parenting like rewards and punishments, dealing with temperamental teenagers, how to be an effective single parent and tips for dealing with preschoolers.
If you’re blogging about weight loss, you might want to highlight the pitfalls of straying from a healthy diet plan and how to get back on track with one’s fitness plan by working out at home with work out DVD’s and fitness gear. You might share how to make recipes that are not only delicious and quick but also healthy too.
If your blog caters to those who want to save money and spend less you might write posts that show your readers how to save money on their next trip to the grocery store, how to use coupons when making online purchases, how to sell thins they no longer need or want to generate some extra cash and ways to save money on bills in the winter.
As your blog starts to gain a little momentum you may find that your readers want more. Posting biweekly or once a week may no longer satisfy those who love your blog. The people want more and so you try to give it to them, posting two to three times a week or even daily.
You set up a blogging schedule to deal with the hectic demand for content. For some, blogging daily will be easy cake, a walk in the park and for others, they might feel a sense of dread or frustration as they try to come up with yet another post after barely choking out the last one. They were fine when they didn’t need to write as much content but now the task is becoming overwhelming for them. They may even begin to suffer with writers block.
Fortunately their is an easier way. PLR to the rescue. PLR,which stands for private label content, is any type of content that you can edit and use as you see fit as long as you don’t add it to article directories or sell it as PLR yourself. There’s a lot that you can do with PLR.
You can copy and paste it as in when you’re in a bind and need content quick or you can reword the content, changing the order of the sentences or paragraphs as well as swapping out words for appropriate synonyms.
You could even take it a step further and use your PLR for research ideas. You could then branch out from some of the main points covered within the articles and easily create unique content of your own.
Alice Coaxum is a homeschooling mother of four, Beach Body Coach, PLR writer and internet marketer. She is the owner of ShopForPLR.Com where you can find quality PLR articles, blog posts, emails and reports at affordable prices.
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